Tzonaqi peoples

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Tzonaqi people
Tzonaq people collage.png
Clockwise: Ixmitl woman in traditional noble headdress; young girl from southern Lahuayatan; siblings from Slashwon Highlands, posing with family llama and pet goat; portrait of Tzoqa Maxtla XII of Huyratan, 1784; football player Xiomara Hari Yuri.
Total population
c. 260 million
Regions with significant populations
Tzonaxiqal ~190,000,000
23x15px Zataria aaa
Rawak Stov aaa
Tzoqxi'tan · Arquari · Wayawi · Nuxawi
IxqalanSymbol.png Ixqalani majority
LesaseliSymbol.png Lesaseli
PelqitaSymbol.png Pelqita'tani
SxiasetiSymbol.png Sxiasetiq
Related ethnic groups
Ethnic groups in eastern Shrivala

Tzonaqi (tzoqanaxwi in Tzoqxi'tan) are a Shrivali ethnic group indigenous to Tzonaxiqal, and share a common Tzonaqi culture, history, ancestry, and language. Within Tzonaxiqal, there are a number of nationalisms and regionalisms, reflecting the country's complex history and diverse culture.

The ancestor of modern Tzonaqi culture originated on the island of Xoqan off the coast of the Saiqala, but, due to Tzonaxiqal's long history of long-distance trade and slavery, modern Tzonaqi represent a mixture of cultures and peoples brought together over several millennia.

Phenotypically, the appearance of Tzonaqi populations can vary significantly depending on the specific locale. Skin color ranges anywhere from lighter "olive" to "dark brown"; common eye colors are brown and amber (by a large margin), with gold, red, and turquoise also being prevalent colors; black is the most common hair color by an extremely large margin, though dark auburn and dark brown hair make up a sizable minority.