Second Wayawa-Comona War

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Second Wayawa-Comona War
Part of Central Mazarine Archipelago Dispute
Clockwise from the top left: Istervani aicraft carrier FSN Anthem; Zatari SZ-27Cs in flight; Tzonaqi infantry in dense brush; a mother and child look on as an Imperial Tzonaqi Army squad discusses patrols; Istervani commandos landing in Mazara.
Date 28 March - 17 November 1979
Location Comona-Wayawa Islands and surrounding sea and airspace, coast of Sokaya
Status quo ante bellum


23x15px Istervan
Commanders and leaders
Amoxtili Sami IX

Khosrau Za'Reia

23x15px Sebastian Luckov
at least 3

that guy with the cute butt

23x15px that one guy from Aldi's
Casualties and losses
between 69 and 420 cavies

the cute-butt-guy's hair

23x15px five whole spaget

The Second Wayawa-Comona War , also known by a plethora of other names such as the Second Comona-Wayawa War, the Second Wayawa War, Second Comona War, many permutations thereof, the Second Central Mazarine War, and the Second Islands War was a short war fought in 1979 between Tzonaxiqal and Istervan over the longstanding territorial dispute over the Central Mazarine Archipelago.